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DD968 Association

Hello, I'm Budd Webster and I'd like to welcome you to the DD968 Association website.  Our mission is to promote and facilitate lasting connections among USS Arthur W Radford shipmates from all eras.  It began with an inaugural reunion in Providence, RI in October, 2022 and based on the volume of enthusiastic, positive feedback we received, we will be "Back for more in '24" this time in the ship's homeport of Norfolk, Virginia from September 26 - 29th.  We hope to see you there.


My Story

I reported aboard the USS Arthur W Radford in March of 1978, newly married to my high school sweetheart.  Being honest here - I'd have to say it wasn't always easy.  Like so many others in the same situation, I was at a crossroads in life.  It didn't take long to figure out that the transition through emerging-adulthood would have to be swift.

It was my good fortune to be among fellow crew members - enlisted and commissioned - who made a bigger difference in my life than they'll ever know.  With their help, guidance, and friendship my time aboard the USS Arthur W Radford was one of significant personal growth, preparing me to meet the challenges of life with self-assurance and enthusiasm.

Again, being honest here, I was happy to rejoin civilian life after my stint in the Navy, and probably didn't yet grasp how important my time aboard the USS Arthur W Radford truly was.  It's only with the advantage of hindsight that I now have a full appreciation of the Navy's impact on my life.  

I know I'm not alone in this, and it's for that reason that I initiated the USS Arthur W Radford Association.  I hope you'll join me and your other shipmates - once again!

Budd Webster
OS2 1978-1981

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